Worker Readiness™

The Worker Readiness service provides People and Organization (P&O) and hiring managers full transparency into the onboarding process and support from our intervention team, enabling them to quickly identify, diagnose and clear roadblocks that may occur.

Advanced Onboarding Services To Keep Your Business Productive

Our service includes integrated partnerships with talent acquisition, hiring managers, and service line owners to ensure all hiring events are happening on time and identify a solution when not.

Providing Assistance to Multiple Parties

New hires experience better quality onboarding making them feel like a respected member of the team on day one, while ensuring they are productive and contributing within days of starting. With smooth onboarding, your employees have earlier access to pay and benefits.
For Human Resources, effective onboarding of new hires reduces the effort and interruptions of HR representatives who are supporting hiring managers. Use of transparency tools give hiring managers greater access into identifying and quickly clearing roadblocks independently, requiring less effort from human resources team members. HR teams that have used the Worker Readiness service find their efficiency improved by not having to spend additional time working with hiring managers to onboard new employees. Our P&O partners have access to an additional stakeholder dashboard that provides a rollup of their business's onboardings. This dashboard contains metrics such as average days late for employees not ready on their first day, timeliness (on-time, delayed, or late) and volume.
Hiring managers that have access to tools that provide daily insight into the onboarding process experience higher productivity during onboarding due to fewer interruptions. They experience enhanced productivity from an employee that can contribute quickly and improve the overall experience of their new hire that may result in increased retention. Our intervention team works behind the scenes often identifying and resolving issues before the hiring manager notices.

How it Works: Centralizing Disparate Data

Multiple departments contribute to the overall onboarding process. Talent Acquisition, Human Resources, Back-Office and Information Technology teams all contribute to the overall onboarding of a new employee. The disparate views of information from these various teams often let issues go unidentified and difficult to triage when the delay became obvious. Our platform consolidates data from the various departments into one centralized view making it easy to spot delays if they occur and identify and resolve the cause.

Explore our Numbers

The Worker Readinesss service has provided over a 45% reduction in delayed onboardings after implementation which has resulted in over $2000 in cost savings per employee on average. These cost savings are driven by our people having the resources and support they need for a successful onboarding. Worker Readiness has created cost benefits for Siemens organizations by reducing Manager and Admin effort during the onboarding process. These Siemens colleagues can now focus on their value-add to the organization. Improved new joiner productivity eliminates historical downtime which also adds value to both Siemens and its employees.


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