Master Data

Master Data Services (MD) provides you with a variety of support to assist you with your master data needs such as compliance management, automation, and data assistance to name a few.

Master Data supports and maintains both Customer and Vendor Master Data topics.

We help maintain the Business Partner Customer and Vendor Records in addition to supporting vendor creation, modification, extension block & unblock. Incorporating many systems such as Global Master Data Management (GMDM), Finavigate, OneSRM, SSD and SCMStar interlinked to SAP master data, we utilize innovative software to better suit your needs.


In an effort to always provide transparency and end user satisfaction, we have created a GBS Master Data SharePoint for you to use as a reference or guide for the GMDM or DirX system. Creating this site exclusively for our customers, topics found in this SharePoint are Vendor and Customer Master Data information with resources, videos and training guides. Within this SharePoint, you will also be able to locate points of contact to assist you with your vendor or customer questions.

That's not all! This SharePoint is also in the process of going global as we are expanding to different regions. In order to access the SharePoint, you must already have authentication and admittance to the GMDM and/or DirX system.

To view the US Master Data SharePoint- Click Here

To view the Canada Master Data SharePoint - Click Here

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